Interviews about Logging and deforestation

Phone interview on March 15, 2011
Juan Ruelas
(Works for a private lumber company)

How long have you been in the lumber industry?
                A: Over 15 years
 Have you seen the Amazon and if so did you witness any destruction of the Amazon?
                A: Yes and with the time that I spent in South America, I saw a few areas that were being clear cut. They would go in and cut and burn after.
What problems do you see that deforestation is creating around the globe?
                A: Major deforestation has been a problem for every lumber company that I have worked for, it makes buying and selling lumber more of a problem.
Do you think logging is an important part of the world today?
                A: Logging is important, but when an area is over logged, finding lumber to buy becomes more of a problem.  If selective logging was more popular, it wouldn’t be as much of an issue to    finding better and more lumber.
What is your opinion or preference of a logging style?
                A: I prefer selective logging, while it is a more difficult to do, it provides lumber for the mills and creates new areas for new growth to come up through naturally.  Also you get more tree      species, and different tree species are used for different products, like pulp for paper and building materials for houses.

Phone interview on March 28, 2011
Matt Ash
(Works as a truck driver for lumber company)

How long have you been hauling logs?
                A: 10 years
What do you think about deforestation?
                A: Deforestation is not a healthy way to log. You’re not leaving protective cover for the new seedlings that would be starting to grow.  Also it is not sustaining the natural resource that we, as people, rely on. 
Have you ever had any protesting going on in the areas that you have worked or driven through?
                A: No, but sometimes there were comments made outside of the mills I had to log for by individuals that either loved or hated what we did.
Have you hauled logs for companies that just selectively cut or did both clear cutting and selective logging?
                A: I have hauled for both, but preferred to haul for companies that did more of the selective logging because it not only sustained the forest, but also gave the companies more of an opportunity to go back into the area that they had only selectively logged.  Even though I was          just a truck driver hauling logs, it was still a difficult job and often times dangerous. Most of the companies I have worked for were very good to work for, but a lot have had to close down due        to the economy and the bad wrap from deforestation in general.
Do you think logging is an important part of the world today?
                A:  I think logging is great and helps us and provides for us. If people don’t completely destroy   the forests and take care of them, they will take care of us. We have to have logging because of so many of the products produced from the forests are necessary for everyday living and people don’t even realize it.

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